Da Van Daalen
Born in Amsterdam
in 1956
1979 – 1986 Studies at Rietreldakademie and in the ? Fine Atrs School Academie in Amsterdam
1986 : Studies marble sculpture in Pietrasanta - Carrara, Italy
1989 Teaches sculpture in the Amsterdam University
1996 Organizes sculpture exhibitions in Dortmund and
founder of a sculpture school in Amsterdam
Main Exhibitions :
1990 : Gallery Lia Haenen, Amsterdam and Biennale in
Ravenna, Italy
1992 : Gallery Imago, Amsterdam
1993 : Shell Laboratorum, Amsterdam
1995 : Matter of Memory, Utrecht
1996 : Park, ? Dortmund, Germany
1997 : Beurs Van Berlage, Amsterdam
1998 : Tiel Museum
1999 : Bergen op Zoom Museum
2000 : Waterland Museum and Imago Gallery in Amsterdam
2001 : International Symposium on Marble Sculpture, Thassos