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Christian Leponce

Born in Namur in 1962

EDUCATION since 1994 : 
Sculpture courses at the Namur Academy of Fine Arts, professor Jean Willame.

1997 : Namur Fine Arts Academy First Prize in Sculpture.
2000 : Acquisition of a monumental work of art by the Royal Museum of Mariemont
2000 : Prize at the 3rd Louis Schmidt contest by the International Federation of Periodical Press.

1996 : SMAP de Namur and Vresse Cultural Centre 
July 97 - 1998 : Garden of the Hôtel de la ville de Namur 
1997 : Beffroi Gallery in Namur and Ciney Cultural Centre 
December 1997 and 2000 : Presentation of selected works of art for the Louis Schmidt Prix contest 
1998 : Cultural Centre (Coxyde Abbey) 
1998 : International Fair at the Armand Steurs Square in Brussels
1999 : Gallery of Modern Art in Visée. 
2000 : Albert the 1st Gallery in Brussels. 
2000 : Royal Museum of Marimont
2001 : Sculpture Symposium in Thassos (Greece)

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