Cattani |
Renda |
Alexiadis |
Dikefalos |
Bon |
firis |
Byars |
Litti |
nnis |
Pierot |
Brandizzi |
Rocour |
Skourtis |
Tziotis |
Varotsos |
Warren |
Werner |
Willequet |
Boutin |
The first International Symposium on Marble Sculpture took
place in summer 1992, the sculpture area being originally located on
the Panagia beach of Thassos, which is to many the best sandbank of the island.
Nineteen monumental sculpture works were created by as many artists from several countries, works that could have not come to life without the technical help offered by the Symposium. Cranes, loaders, every number of specialized tools, and above all the on site presence of marble quarries and skilled marble carvers, along with the generous offer of monolithic marble stones, up to 25 tones, all these made possible for the artists to consume over
1000 tones of marble in five weeks, producing the 19 works, which were exposed in the Sculpture Park of Chrisi Amoudia, in Panagia.
All these works of art, while keeping the individuality of their respective creators, represented an insight of the subject stated at the beginning of the Symposium, which was "Original forms Archetypes of Mediterranean and Greek civilization".
In this way, the historicity, the search for the roots and for the cultural identity, the local stain, and the modern creativity, have all found a common denominator, charged with an undisputed poetry and philosophical reflection: the marble and the light of Thassos, as they were born long centuries ago and as they continue to appear today.
The following artists participated to the first International Symposium on Marble Sculpture
Thanasis Alexiadi, Marco Brandizzi, Giorgio Cattani,
Kostas Dikefalos, Jorge Du
Bon, Haris Kondosfiris, James Lee
Byars, Aphroditi Litti, Theodoros Papayiannis, Fabrice Pierot, Ascanio Renda,
Lambert Rocour, Angelos Skourtis, Nikos Tziotis,
Kostas Varotsos, Michael Warren, Bettina Werner, André
Willequet and Christophe Boutin.
related press releases about the 1st International Symposium on Marble Sculpture